Sunday, 24 July 2011

bingley show

My first show of the year, this is the bingley show cows sheep goats and veg. I've never entered this show before as it clashed with a more local show but they have brought this one earlier by 2 weeks. This was just a dummy run to get me in the mood for showing. I have grown some flowers this year as well as veg so reading the schedule i had a few entries ready, also i had to show 15 items to get an entry ticket to the show (£8 ON THE DAY) whoses a tight get.Looking in the tunnel i had a cucumber ready but had a kink in it, so tried to strieghten it big mistake. It broke, so after getting off the buffet with removing the rope i decided to think again.There was no class for parsnips but class for any other veg, with this i thought i'de pull one to see what it was like. I have 1 barrel with 7 in that have been attacked by moths and the tops arn't perfect so this is the one i chose, i started to pull the parsnip whitch had being watered the day before ( i think you have to let them dry for 2 days before lifting) it came up a little easy ,when checking it the root had broken half way down just my luck, with only 6 left to at i had another go.this one was hard to come out with steady pressure it came free lift lift lift wheres the end. I was well impressed over 3 ft long (has this turned into a story) anyway back to the show the stuff i took were not super except glady . off we go up at 630 am get there 730 am  and stage my stuff not a lot of people there so quite hopfull.Home now to feed chicken and open polytunnel doors(cracking weather).Pick the wife up and off to the show 20mins to find car park ,must be something going off.At the gate a long cue to get in unless you have a pass,wife cues up and pays £8 and off we go not expecting anything just the buzz of the show the first thing i see is any other veg with only one parsnip and lots of other stuff a nice pot leek broccoli and many more .I could see red on the parsnip and yes iy was there what a rush first show first class and a red card that was it for me who needs to do anymore shows.well i'm not going to bore you anymore just tell you i got three red cards that day and seconds and thirds as pictures below a good day out.

1 comment:

  1. hi chris, nice to see you had a few cards at the garden show and hope you have more to come. How did you get on with the xanths from baby face. geoffo.
